“A refugee is someone who survived and who can create the future”

- Amela Koluder

About Us

Our Mission

Integrate Workforce is a Hobart labour-hire company that specialises in providing people with refugee backgrounds long-term employment opportunities.

Our people become more than an English-as-a-second-language (ESL) resume on a HR desk, rather they get the opportunity to prove their work ethic, skills, positive attitude and willingness to learn, actually on the worksite alongside prospective employers.

So far, Integrate Workforce has enabled 48 people with a refugee background gain 85,000+ hours of worksite experience and placed 15 in apprenticeships and long-term positions with other companies. 7 have decided construction was not for them and left us for full time work or apprenticeships in other industries. We continue to employ 10 guys. Overall, 3 have gained home loans as a direct result of their employment with us.

Our People

4 years ago, as Kelvin began working in the construction industry he noticed how white everyone was. There was a construction boom and contractors and companies were under serious pressure to complete their projects fast. Many workers were needed.

This was paradoxical. We had a lot of migrant and refugee friends that were fit and capable, looking for work who seemed to be overlooked for a range of reasons: their worksite English is often limited, unknowns existed about their capacity and cultural issues. But we had done a range of work with these guys and knew them to be careful, capable and having a great work ethic.

We tried to assist one guy into employment through other contractors, but this was only partially successful. So we bit the bullet and decided to do it ourselves. Integrate Workforce specifically employs people from a refugee background with a view to helping them find apprenticeships or full-time work within Integrate Workforce or in other companies. The journey has been a whole lot of fun and so rewarding!

Kath works behind the scenes for the business amongst her collection of Cocker Spaniels, which she breeds and occasionally competes in dog sports. She keeps the books in order and has her eye on the detail.

Kelvin spends most of his time with the employees on the worksite, but he is probably better known as A Piano of Tasmania. He plays his piano in unusual places around Tasmania showcasing beautiful Tasmanian landscapes and helping a few people smile. Gordon Dam wall via a helicopter, Tahune Airwalks on the cantilever suspended above the Huon river are among his curious performances.